(Click here to read Part 1: The Everyday Gamer)

We’ve defined what an everyday gamer means to us, so now let’s chat about what a rich experience should look like. “Rich” is a word with a lot of facets, and it goes back to why our founders are in games in the first place. 

Games have given us so much, and been in our lives through many ups and downs. There’s pure escapism, of course. There’s the community aspect —  every session is a chance to be with friends, competing, collaborating, and figuring out how it all fits together. In the best games, there’s also a sense of discovery, a feeling of being part of something big and special waiting to be revealed. Games can be a gateway to a richer, more connected world.

So how do we do that? How do we make that happen? We’re on mobile, we can’t rely on sweeping soundtracks and spectacular big screen graphics (although we take pride in our attention to detail and beautiful images). That challenge is more than balanced by the sheer accessibility of mobile, in our opinion. With mobile, and its inherent connection to the larger world, we have an opportunity to form deep relationships with games and our fellow gamers throughout the day.

And the key to that is experiences for people to share. Epic moments where you’re completely there, intensely engaged, internally (or possibly externally) screaming HOW DID THAT JUST HAPPEN. Moments where you snatched a victory from the jaws of a magical creature, where your clever play turned the tide at the last second. Down to your last hit point, and something happens — either you won, or you were so close that you know you’ll get it next time.

We want people to feel like they discovered something alongside their teammates, figured out how different pieces fit together, and built strategies that turned a group of friends into a family. The first time you see something new should feel meaningful, and your accomplishments should have lasting effects on your gameplay. We want there to be something new around every corner, though that new thing could be a technique, a new hero, a bit of content, hidden systems waiting to be analyzed, or part of a story.

We want to celebrate all that with our communities, because it is our players who complete the circuit and make the worlds come alive. Someday, we hope to bring the magic into the physical world as well, with live events and gatherings. We want to see those vibrant, immediate connections formed out of your shared time in our virtual worlds.

It’s ambitious, but that’s why we’re here. We hope you can join us.